In 2005, Harry Lemmens came up with a different formula that sought to address flaws that characterized previous indices. In the formula, Lemmens introduces new factors to make ideal body weight more realistic and within the acceptable levels.

Required equipment

Because you only measure height, the equipment required is only a stadiometer.

Procedure for calculating ideal body weight

To calculate the ideal body weight using Lemmens formula, you have to get the right body height and apply the formula.

Ideal Body Weight (kg) = 22 x height^2 (meter)

The formula does not have variations for both men and women.

For example, what is the ideal body weight of a man with a height of 1.83 meters?

22 x (1.83 meters)^2 = 73.67 kilograms

Note that [I kilogram = 2.20462 pounds], 1 meter = 3.28084 feet

The targeted population

The Lemmens formula is applicable for the general population. While some medical practitioners still prefer using the old methods that only used height, the Lemmens appears to have gotten a breakthrough to a solution for all.

The pros of the Lemmens formula

Cons of the Lemmens formula

Other comments

The Lemmens formula presents a new way to look at ideal body weight because of major inefficiencies depicted by other formulae. However, Lemmens fails to demonstrate how other factors included in his formula work to generate results.


1. Peterson, M., Diana M., George B., and Steven B. Universal equation for estimating ideal body weight and body weight at any BMI. Am J Clin Nutr May 1, 2016 103: 1197-1203

2. Lemmens, H., Brodsky, B. and Bemstein, D. (2005). Estimating ideal body weight--a new formula.

3. Stehman CR, Buckley RG, Dos Santos FL, et al, Bedside estimation of patient height for calculating ideal body weight in the emergency department. J Emerg Med 2011;41:97-101

4. Pai MP, Paloucek FP, The origin of the "Ideal" body weight equations. Ann Pharmacol 2000; 34:1066-69